Ontwikkelingen Kupang / Onderwijs / Voortgezet onderwijs op Java
Op de foto ook een gemberdrankje/medicijn dat ook toegepast wordt in de officiële gezondheidszorg in Indonesië.
Sarah en Maria doen de verpleegkundigen opleiding aan STIKES opleiding in Yogyakarta. Beide meisjes zijn van ons kindertehuis op Timor.
Op dit moment zitten beiden bijna 4 jaar in Yogyakarta. Een plaats ver van huis maar wel een stad waar je samen met studenten van alle eilanden van heel Indonesië in de collegebanken zit.
2017 9 december Maria en Sarah gaan naar de verpleegkundigenopleiding Deze foto’s kreeg ik van Maria.
Zij beginnen maandag 11 december 2017 aan hun praktijk in het ziekenhuis Bethesda te Yogyakarta.
Ze hebben een eed afgelegd om integer om te gaan met de patiënten. Brecht
2017 2 mei Proficiat Venly!
Venly Babis woont sinds 2007 in het Kindertehuis van YASAP op West-Timor.
Venly (in juli 18 jaar) is geslaagd voor haar Middelbare schoolopleiding (SMA) in Banyuwangi/op Java aan een zeer goed bekend staande katholieke school.
SMA = (Theoretische) bovenbouw met betere mogelijkheid om door te stromen naar universiteit en hbo onderwijs.
Na de vakantie gaat Venly hoogst waarschijnlijk studeren aan een universiteit in Oesapa op Timor. Dat ligt vlakbij Kupang, de hoofdstad van West-Timor.
Haar diploma krijgt ze pas in januari 2018. Nu wel uiteraard een (afscheids-)feestje met medeleerlingen en leraren.
2016 februari
Sarah seems to have a very positive attitude towards her future course of study. She knows it will be hard work but she seems very encouraged by all the support she is being given.
Yes, it was a very good visit for both Cheryl and myself. We did speak (at length) with the school headmaster. He confirmed that Sarah and Venli are both doing well at school, academically and socially. He thought that Sarah should have a reasonable chance at gaining acceptance into medical school, especially if her social situation was considered and knowing she originally comes from West Timor.
We were very impressed with the sisters who care for the girls in the dormitory. Sister Valentine met with us on several occasions. What a gem she is! Sarah seems to have a very positive attitude towards her future course of study. She knows it will be hard work but she seems very encouraged by all the support she is being given.
Ibu Naning is doing a great job as well as her husband Hendrik and even their daughter Naychilla.
Mr. Ron Vlietstra en Ms. Cheryl (USA) op bezoek op Java bij Sarah en Venly
2016 februari
Nu iedereen akkoord is met de vervolgstudie van Sarah zal ik haar zo snel mogelijk eerst online aanmelden voor de medicijnen studie in Yogyakarta. Ook zal ik ibu Elga Sarapung inschakelen om een goed kosthuis voor de meisjes (Sarah en Maria) te vinden. Sarah haar Engels was behoorlijk goed tijdens het bezoek van Ron en Cheryl. Sarah begrijpt alles en reageert snel. Zij was ook heel actief in het mee discussiëren.
Ibu Naning
2015 december
Dear Ibu Naning and Stef Riwu,
Dear Mrs. Cheryl and Mr. Ron Vlietstra,
Dear Ibu Elga Sarapung, Mery Kolimon and members of the Yasap Tarus board,
We are very pleased with the positive e-mail exchange concerning Sarah.
Ibu Naning, you made a huge and valuable contribution to the high school years of Sarah.
Stef, your visit to Banyuwangi was very important, thanks for that!
Mrs. Cheryl, your e-mails to Sarah are full of love and warmth, and are of great importance to her. She needs this warm advice, as every child needs it from a parent, a caregiver or a friend. We also want to thank you and Mr. Ron again for your financial contribution.
It must be said that we are all very committed to the future of Sarah and of course all other children. For this, first of all: Thank you very much!
We, the board of Yasap Netherlands, also talked about what in our view would be the best next step to take concerning the future of Sarah.
We think that Sarah should seize the opportunity to take up the medical studies for at least one year. Obviously this is a big step for her and very exciting, and she may have some doubt and fear to fail. But we are convinced that Sarah can handle it, and should be properly motivated to believe in herself and her capabilities. If the medical studies would turn out to be too challenging for Sarah, she can always decide to take up the nursing studies and become a nurse. Without worrying about disappointing anyone, because we all already are and will always be very proud of her. Ibu Brecht is willing to play a role in helping Sarah feeling confident about herself, and is planning to talk to Sarah by telephone and later, in June 2016, in person.
Ibu Elga Sarapung is living in Yogyakarta. She is the managing director of Inter Fidei, an organisation that is committed to promoting dialogue and mutual understanding between different religions. A long time ago she has been living in the house of Ibu Brecht in Groningen.
Ibu Elga could play an important role in supervising and stimulating Sarah, together with Ibu Naning. We think this is very important for the personal development of Sarah because she needs a person in her environment she can rely on for advise and help. She should feel at home in Yogyakarta so she can start her medical studies with confidence.
The atmosphere in Yogyakarta has always been tolerant to all religions. The UKDW is a Christian University where the identity of Sarah as a Timorese student will certainly be respected. Yogyakarta is also known as a peace-loving city. It’s a city that offers more possibilities than Kupang or Banyuwangi.
Sarah’s feeling at home can also be strengthened if the two other Timorese girls Mary and Asti will also go and study in Yogyakarta. Mary wants to study nursing and Asti textiles, both in Yogyakarta. For all three girls this is an opportunity to increase their knowledge, both in terms of their studies and education and in terms of overall development. They will become a richer person because of this experience, and they will grow stronger. According to Ibu Elga CD Bethesda (http://www.cdbethesda.org) would be a suitable housing for the three of them, as it is close to the UKDW (study medicine) as well as the nursing training. Living there together, the girls will be able to support each other if necessary.
We think this step would contribute a lot to Sarah, Mary and Asti on their road to adulthood.
Stef, we would like to ask you to make a budget for the studies of Sarah, Mary and Asti.
Mrs. Cheryl and Mr. Ron, we would like to send you a proposal in which we ask for a financial contribution to the study and housing of Sarah. We would also appreciate the continuation of the moral support through your letters and visits, as you have been giving to Sarah over the past years. It would certainly help her stay motivated and finish her studies successfully.
We hope that with this letter we have given a clear picture of our views on the futures of Sarah, Mary and Asti. It is our goal to help these three girls unlock their potential and make a better life for themselves. As it is our mission for the other Timorese children.
Yours sincerely,
Brecht, Willy and Laura
2014 juni
Bezoek Mama Marsa en Brecht aan Sara en Venly op Java.